Wednesday, 2 March 2011

24th February 2011: North East Firm Creates Opportunities For New Talent

South Tyneside based training and business improvement Group of Companies HarperCo Ltd have taken a major step forward in recruiting the future generation of talent for the business.

The firm has created six new roles within key areas of its training, sales, data processing and vetting operations, and has recruited six talented Apprentices to fulfil them at its offices on the Monkton Business Park, Hebburn.

‘After the difficulties of the economic downturn over the past couple of years, we're really pleased to be investing in HarperCo's future in this way' said Group Chairman, David Harper. ‘We see this as a really positive step and we're excited to see what our new Apprentices can bring to the company with their enthusiasm and new perspective'.

‘A large part of the training we deliver through our training business, Talent Training UK LLP, is apprenticeship related and we fundamentally believe in the benefits Apprentices can bring to a business - large or small. By recruiting our own team of Apprentices we are showing we stand by this belief'.

Since moving to South Tyneside last year, HarperCo Ltd has steadily grown its operations and expects 2011 to see further growth.

The firm's apprentice recruitment has been welcomed by South Tyneside Council. Cllr Jim Foreman, Lead Member Children and Young People said: ‘The Council is totally committed to tackling unemployment and raising skills, especially among our young people who are the workforce of the future.

‘By taking on local apprentices, HarperCo is ensuring that our young people are given help to get on the first step of the ladder don't have to leave the area to get into training and work.'

Kane Hughes, Liam Armstrong, Sarah Clements, Chloe McHaffie, Max Kirkham and Hannah Potter all join the business on specific Apprenticeship development programmes related to their specific roles. These Apprenticeship programmes will enable them to develop the commercial and personal skills they will need to achieve their potential and develop their future careers.

David Harper adds: ‘2011 is going to be an exciting year for us so Kane, Liam, Sarah, Chloe, Max and Hannah are joining the organisation at a brilliant time in terms of what we can offer them in personal development and career opportunities'.

Sarah, 18 from South Shields said: ‘We're all really excited to be starting our Apprenticeships with HarperCo' said: ‘The roles which have been mapped out for us are really interesting and will help the company to grow'.

‘It's great to start a new job with five other people - you don't feel like you're the only new person and you've got other people to share the experience with!' added Max, 17, from Jarrow.

David Harper commented: ‘HarperCo Ltd intends to make this Apprentice recruitment an annual event within the business. ‘I'm very keen to make sure we do this each year to ensure we always have new ideas and new talent coming through the business - so this year's intake will lead the way for future generations of Apprentices - no pressure!'.

HarperCo Ltd's group companies include Talent Training UK LLP, HCO Vetting, HCO Digital and Consult. More information on the group companies and their services can be found by visiting

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