Wednesday, 2 March 2011

23rd February2011: R&B Group brings science to life

Events, production and communication specialist, R&B Group arrived back home in Newcastle this week, to complete the last in a series of high profile science events.

R&B Group were contracted by client Education Live, to provide AV and production support for the events, aimed at inspiring GCSE students to take up careers in Science.

The nationwide programme, starting back in November of last year in Leicester, has seen R&B Group travel over 5000 miles, battling through some of the worst weather to hit the UK in years, in order to deliver the 13 road show style events throughout the country.

Presentations were delivered to some 20,000 school children by some of the UK's top scientists including Lord Robert Winston.

During each session, scientists each presented their cutting-edge research to the 15-16 year old students, demonstrating how science offers solutions to some of the world's greatest problems.

Barry Fox, R&B Group Director comments "It was fantastic to be awarded the contract for a second year. It's a great series of events. The weather did create an added challenge but we look forward to the autumn programme which begins in November".

Daniel Powell, Director Education Live "The work of R&B Group is essential to these events, which aim to engage young audiences in Science. We ask some of the world's most eminent scientists to speak to GCSE students, which is a good start. But, the great audio and visual set-up provided by R&B Group makes very good lectures into unforgettable ones."

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